"Learning about the SSOPP model will help me to further develop my assessment skills. It has helped me to organize my own thinking around how to administer tan assessment during both specific chaplaincy referrals and general hospitality visits. Being better able to listen for R/S problems will help me to determine interventions
depending on length of admission."
"The topic of R/S problems give me better insight on the issues our mental health patients may be facing whether they express them or not. Thank you for this course...it really was 'right on time' considering how
I am growing in both my consciousness and in my vocation."
"I found that the course was engaging as it used different ways of teaching...videos...reading...quizzes. You delivered important information essentially without dragging out with details."
"I wanted to let you know that I found your course to be extremely valuable.
There was a lot of stuff there that I did not know about."
"A good presentation, great selection of material and organization. This was a much more valuable use of my time than virtually all of the CEU courses I have to sit through."
"I was astounded on learning how much information and interaction was possible on the Internet. Thanks."
"This was a GREAT course. It has helped me to be a more informed clinician."
"Great job with all the materials presented. Clear and concise. Great graphics. Great instructor."
"Very important course. Thank you!
"Awesome material!"
"Thank you for putting together a great online course. I would be very interested in receiving notice
of your future courses."
"I want to take a minute and just let you know how wonderful this course was. I've already put a number of the resources to good use in my private practice."
"This is one of the most valuable continuing ed courses I have taken. Practical, relevant and imminently usable. thanks."
"Your website is both well constructed and pleasing to the eye. Your links are extremely well organized and cover a wide variety of resources. All in all, I was quite impressed. Bravo!"
"Thanks for providing the basis for this positive experience. If you would like to use my name in endorsing your materials, I’d be happy to lend my support."
“Good presentation, great selection of material and organization. This was a much more valuable use of my time than virtually all of the CEU courses I have to sit through.”
“This was a GREAT course. It has helped me to be a more informed clinician.”
“This is one of the most valuable continuing ed courses I have taken. Practical, relevant and imminently usable. Thanks.”